Homepreneurs Club, initially comprised of 83 members, embarked on a strategically crafted door-close campaign, introducing a unique approach that allowed new members to join only every three months. This approach aimed to create a sense of exclusivity and anticipation within the club’s membership structure.
Objectives of the Campaign
The overarching objective of the campaign was to acquire 200 new members, emphasizing the importance of fostering a robust and engaged community. Recognizing the advantages of managing membership in batches, the strategy involved providing additional onboarding support during specific enrollment periods. Furthermore, a pricing model was implemented wherein subsequent openings would feature increased membership fees. Those unable to join immediately were offered a spot on a waiting list, ensuring that the next opening would attract individuals committed to the club at the current price.
Team Collaboration
The success of the campaign hinged on the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team, each playing a crucial role in the campaign’s execution:
- Ads Department: Responsible for targeted advertising strategies.
- Social Media Management: Engaged in crafting compelling content and managing online presence.
- Graphic Designing and Video Editing: Ensured visually appealing and impactful promotional materials.
- Technical Department: Provided support for implementing technical tools and managing data.
Tools Employed
The campaign leveraged a suite of tools for efficient execution:
- WATI – Whatsapp Marketing: Used for personalized communication and outreach.
- Kajabi – Platform for Homepreneurs Club: Managed membership, email marketing, landing pages, and contact lists.
- Airtable: Facilitated organization and collaboration of member information.
- Microsoft Teams: Served as a centralized hub for organizing and managing campaign data.
We planned to run our campaign from January first, but our preparation started in December. First, we began increasing our email list by running ads on freebies. Bilna recorded videos highlighting club features. We promoted club-benefit-related podcasts as reels on social media. Additionally, we recorded the ambassador’s podcast, which also had a significant impact. We hired a salesperson for follow-ups. Started to promote reviews on social media.
Marketing Methods
The campaign employed a diversified set of marketing methods to maximize reach and engagement:
- Ads: Utilized for targeted audience acquisition.
- Social media: Employed for community engagement and content dissemination.
- WATI: Leveraged for personalized communication through Whatsapp.
- Salesperson: Played a crucial role in direct communication and conversion.
- Affiliate Marketing: Ambassadors were given access to affiliate dashboards, earning commissions for member referrals.
Ads Strategy
- Audience Analysis: Targeted women interested in business, home business, and startups.
- Audience Expansion: Utilized existing email lists for creating look-alike and industry-related audiences.
- Lead Generation: Focused on low-ticket products (freebies) initially for lead generation.
- Retargeting: Utilized lead ads and retargeted website visitors and email lists during membership openings
Results from Ads:
- Ads Spent: AED 14,497.32
- Total Purchases: 95
- Reach: 177,802
- Impressions: 854,771
- Link Clicks: 22,093
- CTR: 2.58%
- Customer Acquisition Cost Cumulative: 157.57
Social Media Strategy
- Podcast Utilization: Leveraged podcasts strategically to highlight distinctive club patterns, showcase tangible results, and actively engage the target audience.
- Content Push: Implemented a proactive content strategy that involved sharing comprehensive campaign results and crafting purpose-driven posts. This approach aimed to not only communicate the quantitative achievements of the campaign but also to convey the mission and values of the Homepreneurs Club.
WATI is employed to engage with individuals inquiring through WhatsApp. This tool facilitates real-time chat interactions and enables the sharing of broadcasts featuring interactive buttons and links.
WATI Report
- Message Sent: 6185
- Delivered: 5240
- Read: 4274
- Replied: 275
Email Marketing
In our email marketing efforts, we developed a series aimed at subscribers, keeping them informed about the upcoming door closure. We strategically crafted messages to continually raise awareness and emphasize the benefits of joining the Homepreneurs Club.
Affiliate Marketing
Within our affiliate marketing initiative, ambassadors were provided access to dedicated affiliate dashboards. They receive commissions for every payout processed for members who signed up through their referral links, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship.
Tany was the role of managing direct calls. Upon receiving messages or inquiries on any platform, the information was promptly shared in our common WhatsApp group. Tany diligently collected and updated details on a sheet, facilitating immediate follow-up calls. The strategy of direct calls proved effective in closing sales, particularly with leads new to our club. Commonly asked questions centered around the possibility of joining for a month to experience benefits and the flexibility of canceling membership at any time. All leads were considered potential clients, and Tany meticulously managed lead statuses and follow-ups. Microsoft Teams was utilized for comprehensive data management, emphasizing the campaign’s core principles of immediate calls and diligent follow-ups.
While the campaign achieved significant success, certain challenges were encountered:
- Time constraints: Limited time posed challenges in executing certain aspects of the campaign.
- Content Alignment: Issues arose in aligning content implementation with the planned strategy.
- Content Gaps: Identified a lack of objection-type content on the website, affecting direct sales.
While the door-close campaign fell short of the 200-member target, achieving 92 new members, the strategic approach to audience targeting, diverse marketing methods, and content creation contributed to overall success. The campaign not only met quantitative goals but also strengthened the club’s online presence and community engagement.
The Result
- Total Members Enrolled: 95 members
- Monthly = 59
- Yearly = 7
- Affiliate monthly = 16
- Affiliate Yearly = 13
The Homepreneurs Club Door Close Campaign serves as a testament to the effectiveness of strategic planning, collaboration, and innovative marketing methods. Beyond quantitative achievements, the campaign has enriched the club’s online presence and community engagement. The valuable insights gained from this experience will undoubtedly inform and guide future marketing endeavors for the Homepreneurs Club.
Call to Action
Interested in achieving similar success with your marketing campaigns? Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business grow.